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Three GREAT (and Free) Virtual Conferences Where You Can Attend, Present, or Volunteer!

The Learning Revolution Has Begun

Subject strands include changes in the classroom (social media, 1:1 computing, "flipped classrooms," digital literacy, maker spaces, gaming, open educational resources, digital textbooks), in student learning (individualized learning, student-directed learning, "hacking" education, personal success plans, ePortfolios, and building a digital presence), (..)

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The Free Learning 2.0 Conference: Great Keynotes and Sessions and YOU!

The Learning Revolution Has Begun

Subject strands include changes in the classroom (social media, 1:1 computing, "flipped classrooms," digital literacy, maker spaces, gaming, open educational resources, digital textbooks), in student learning (individualized learning, student-directed learning, "hacking" education, personal success plans, ePortfolios, and building a digital presence), (..)

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Professors Aren’t Good at Sharing Their Classroom Practices. Teaching Portfolios Might Help.


At the height of the buzz around MOOCs and flipped classrooms three years ago, Bridget Ford worried that administrators might try to replace her introductory history course with a batch of videos. She agreed that something should change: Drop-outs and failures were high in the 200-person class—at about 13 percent.