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‘Our Technology Is Our Ideology’: George Siemens on the Future of Digital Learning


A researcher, theorist, educator, Siemens is the digital learning guy. He’s credited with co-teaching the first MOOC in 2008, introduced the theory of “connectivism”—the idea that knowledge is distributed across digital networks—and spearheaded research projects about the role of data and analytics in education.

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10Q: Martin Weller - the battle for open

Learning with 'e's

blogs, social media, learning objects, OERs, MOOCs, etc in this period. I think many MOOCs (and MOOC providers) will struggle to find a sustainable financial model in their current guise. 5) What is your response to the criticism of MOOCs (e.g. large scale dropouts, superficial learning)?

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Hack Education Weekly News

Hack Education

Online Education (The Once and Future “MOOC”). ” “A Conveyor Belt of Dropouts and Debt at For-Profit Colleges ” by Susan Dynarski. ” “What You Need to Know About Learning Analytics ,” according to The Chronicle of Higher Education.